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What We Do


SoulCareNC Counseling is more than a model of biblical counseling. It is biblical intentional discipleship applied through deep, authentic fellowship. It is something we all should do at the level we are equipped. It is not a new idea. It is living out the one another commands in the Scriptures. SoulCare has been practiced since the early church (Acts 2). It can be found in the Puritan community of the 16th and 17th century. It is our desire to restore SoulCare to the church.

Mission of SoulCareNC:
Glorify God by making and growing disciples through the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).


Vision of SoulCareNC:
It's our vision to return soul care to the local church. No more placing hurting church members in the care of counselors who do not feature Biblical help but carefully stewarding and caring for the people entrusted to the body of Christ.

Passion of SoulCareNC:

Ministering to the hurting in full dependence on the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the Community of God to experience transforming life change.

Core Values of SoulCareNC:

  • Christ Centered (Colossians 1:15-20) - The person of Christ, his preeminence, the gift of his life given to us.

  • Biblically Grounded with Truth & Grace (John 1:14) - We get principles for life and godliness from the Bible and we want to give counsel that is a blend of both truth and grace.

  • Spirit-led (John 6:63) - The real counselor is God who meets us through his Spirit. We want to be careful to give heed to his guidance and not simply let our experience dominate the direction for our counsel.

  • Prayer Saturated (Colossians 4:2) - Humility and dependence on God are shown most clearly through prayer. We want to practice and model both humility and dependence throughout the counseling process.

  • Community Based (Hebrews 10:24-25) - God calls us to live life in the context of his people. Care, encouragement, exhortation, and healing happen most fruitfully in the church community.


Why is SoulCareNC Needed?

  • IT’S THE CHURCH’S JOB - The church was designed by God to care for those in the body who bring Scriptural help to their need. We need to develop life-on-life as well as truth-on-life skills within the local church.

  • PASTORS DESIRE A BIBLICALLY SAVVY AND SKILLED CADRE OF CAREGIVERS – SoulCareNC counseling will promote Biblically oriented, intentionally helpful, effective disciple-makers that will help pastors build the church.

  • MOST CHURCHES AND PASTORS CAN’T HANDLE THE DEPTH OR THE VOLUME OF NEEDS – The majority of pastors lack the training, skills and time that Biblical counseling demands. SoulCareNC Counseling carries the load of care by training and equipping the pastors and their church leaders to be the caring body it was intended to be.

  • PSYCHOLOGY LACKS BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS – Well-meaning pastors and churches have been relying on behavioral counseling to carry the load of care in their churches. God’s Word offers guidance for all life’s problems that goes beyond behavioral techniques. We do not oppose psychology. In fact observation that aligns with God’s truth is of great value. However, we grieve the incapability it offers the church to care and redeem in life problems.

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